
Dragon Schoolから来た最新のニュースです

2010年04月21日 12:00:00
Dear Yoriko / Yuka,

I would be very grateful if you could forward some recent news from the Dragon School to those families who expressed an interest in our school when the headmaster, John Baugh, visited your offices in October.

Firstly, we received a very positive report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate when they visited the school in November, and described most aspects of the education and pastoral care as 'outstanding'. The electronic newsletter can be found here:

I'm also sending a link to the first issue of our new school publication, Dragons Today. This twice-yearly newsletter is intended to give a flavour of recent happenings and life here at the Dragon, to parents who have registered for a place at the school.

I'm going to send some printed copies of both these publications to your offices in Tokyo, but obviously with ash clouds preventing postal services from flying anywhere, I thought some electronic copies would also be beneficial.

Do please let me know if any of the families required any further information about the school.

Kind regards,


Lisa Johnson
Communications & Marketing Assistant
Dragon School
Bardwell Road

Tel 01865 315492
Fax 01865 315478
